Od Jutra swiatla bedzie coraz mniej:

From today, the light will slowly wane:

The day of the vernissage is no coincidence; it’s the longest day of the year and the shortest night. Michał Koszewski will guide us through the mystery of this event with his performative action.

Cyclicality and repetition are inherent in the rhythm of the universe, and without light, we lose the ability to see. Every whole that makes up our surrounding world consists of smaller elements, whether it be a mountain range, a human, or a flower. These truths can be deciphered in the works of Michał Koszewski.
His paintings are constructed from repetitive, varied units in a 2.5 x 2.5 cm square format, creating large, monochromatic surfaces that resonate with their surroundings. They emerge from the stroke of a brush, a gesture, where the fabric of paint is saturated with color and light. They create a space whose depth can be discovered through contemplation of the work.

Curator of the exhibition: Magda Raczko

"In the painstakingly 'woven' painting, it is always about the celebration of light. The glazed layer of paint is meant to evoke associations with stained glass, where light tries to break through.
The paintings represent an aspect of what fascinates me in painting. It’s the mutual relationships between how a painting influences space, how the surroundings affect the painting itself, and how it resonates with the viewer." – Michał Koszewski

  • The exhibition was centered around a performance touching on themes of transformation, rebirth, and creative destruction, drawing upon religious symbolism.